Students in MS Athletic Training class

Undergraduate Advisement

How do I know who my advisor is?
The name of the advisor is posted on Degree Works under Advisor.
Should a student meet with the advisor before or after developing class schedule?
Both. Meet with your advisor before making your schedule to make certain you are taking courses that are appropriate. Meet again after scheduling to verify your selections are correct, in the event that some of your original choices were closed.
What is the best way to contact my advisor?
Advisors can be reached via phone, e-mail, in-person during office hours or by appointment.
How do I know if a particular course has a pre-requisite?
On your Degree Works, select the course, click on it, and will prompt small box with the information (the course need or not pre- requisite.) In addition, your advisor could also provide the same information.
How do I know which courses fulfill the GNED?
Follow your Degree Works catalog on NEST; also, you can follow your work sheet give by the department for your program.
Whom do I see for a credit adjustment?
You will see the Physical Education Department Administrator and make an appointment to review possible transfer credits. The necessary adjustment will be made if courses have similar content and level.
How do I know that my transfer credits are eligible?
If you transferred with an Associate Degree (AA or AS) from county/community college in New Jersey, the general education requirement will be fulfilled. However, the department-required collaterals courses need to be taken. Additionally, any courses that are similar to the courses offered here at Montclair State University and have a low level number cannot be used as equivalent for any 300 or 400 level coursework.
Courses from New Jersey county/community colleges can no longer be used as equivalent for 300 and 400 level coursework at Montclair State University. Credit Adjustment forms will no longer be approved using these course numbers, regardless of when the course was taken.
How do I declare or change a major?
Complete the change of major form and submit to the department for approval. Form can be obtained from Please note the Exercise Science major can only accept transfer students with a minimum GPA of 2.75.
Can I take a course at another institution while I’m enrolled at Montclair State University?
If you have earned 60 credits from a community college, you can’t take any more courses at these types of institutions. If you have transferred less than 60 credits from a community college, you may only take courses that are equivalent to those at Montclair State at the same level (100 level = 100 level at Montclair State). Also, you may take courses at another four-year institution, as long as you do not have fewer than 32 semester hours to take.
When I get permission to register for a closed or restricted course, am I automatically enrolled?
No, you are not automatically enrolled. After the permit is granted, you need to either register online, if the time frame for registration allows, or in person in the Registrar’s office. If you omit this step, your permit will drop, you will not be registered and your name will not appear on the faculty roster, and you will not be allowed to take the class.

Undergraduate Teacher Education Program

How do I apply to the Undergraduate Teacher Education Program?
You need to successfully complete the following courses:
SASE 210 Public Purposes of Education
EDFD 200 Psychological Foundation
Are there other requirements to apply to Teacher Education Program?
Yes, you must have earned nine credits of major courses in the department, 3.00 GPA overall and in the major, pass the Praxis I (Reading, Writing and Mathematics) or Equivalent of SAT or ACT see the department for passing scores.
After all requirements on the pre-professional sequence are fulfilled when can I apply to the Teacher Education Program?
Application is available at: Teacher Education Program
The completed application must be submitted by September 15th(fall semester) or on before the February 1st (spring semester)
When can I take courses in the professional sequence?
Once you are accepted, you are permitted to enroll in the professional sequence, along with other courses in the general and major requirements.
When can I take courses in the professional sequence?
Once you are accepted, you are permitted to enroll in the professional sequence, along with other courses in the general and major requirements.
When should I take the Praxis II test?
When you have completed 90 semester hours, you are eligible to take the Praxis II.
Do I have to pass the Praxis II exam before to student teaching?
Yes, students are responsible for ensuring that they satisfy the requirements of Montclair State University Praxis II policy.
Do I need a specific grade point average before student teaching?
Yes, you will need an overall GPA of 3.00.
How do I know which General Education Requirement GNED to follow?
Students admitted as freshmen or transfer students will follow the GNED of the year entered. A work program sheet can be obtained at the Kinesiology Department by making an appointment with the advisement coordinator. The appropriate work program will guarantee the correct courses selection.